SEOulful Website
Retail Website Design Project
Designed by Minwoo Kim
Client: DKCOS - Seoulful
Project type: Full-time
Website Design
Planning / Research / Concept Buliding / Sketch (Wireframe) / UI & Graphic Design
In 2020, DKCOS launched an online retail store to secure stable vendors of their brands Soo'AE, LOCK color, Unicorn Glow, Hip Chic, and expand the business into a distribution industry that sells lifestyle products and cosmetics. In February 2021, I have planned the website with Director Hyemin and Web Developer Jongho. As a creative designer, I was responsible for the overall design, including the user interface(UI) and graphic elements design of the store website.
I have designed a website that products can stand out to properly the purpose of the retail store website. To minimize the website's own identity and create a simple mood, I mainly used sans serif fonts and monotone colors.

Analysis of customer's website visiting method showed that the number of website access on mobile devices was higher than using computers. As a result, the website layout was designed based on the responsive web to shop smoothly on mobile devices.

Website navigation menu was categorized by keywords that can encompass a wide range of products for customers to find products they want quickly.


Copyright ⓒ. 2021 DKCOS & Seoulful with Minwoo Kim. All rights Reserved.
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